Gerrit and Elise

Gerrit and Elise

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Poor Santa....

Shauna and I may, or may not have taken Bennett out of school to get Santa photos. We thought we were helping, because Amy tried to take him and he did not like Santa. We thought it would be a fun surprise! It wasn't better for us....... it will be a funny story to tell when they're older? You'll get to see Avery's photo soon. Coming to a mailbox near you!


Amber Frazee said...

Ha ha ha. This picture is priceless.

Can't wait to see the one of Avery. What a cute outfit she has on.

Laura Afflerbaugh said...

Santa doesn't look so "jolly" in this photo. Aw, come on Santa, they don't really hate you. :)